More Than Words level 2 is designed for kids in grades 4-6 (upper elementary). Each week starts with a story based off of one of my kids (Caleb or Selah, ages 10 and 11 at the time) to help relate the lesson to real life. It can be done independently or as a family and includes Charlotte Mason elements that can make it a morning basket in a book:
Hymn studies, picture studies, poetry studies, word studies (synonyms and antonyms and definitions using a dictionary and thesaurus), copywork, memory work, art, daily secret missions to apply the lessons in a fun way, scripture studies to begin to learn how to study the Bible in a deeper way, character studies, and more!
There are four units in the full year, 36-week program: who is God? Who am I? Walking the Walk and the Great Relationship. This helps take kids on a journey of understanding who God is, basing our identity in Him, not merely listening to the word but doing what it says (what it means to be a Christian, theology and doctrine, and living a life for Jesus) and having a relationship with God (prayer, worship, the fruit of the Spirit, etc).

More Than Words Level 2