Elegant lettering to chapter headings. Later reddish cloth printed in black. First Edition. NY: J.S. Ogilvie, 1890.
An elegant little book, neatly rebound in subtle red cloth. Chapters on jellies and jams, on coffee, tea and chocolate, on meats, poultry and game, on wines and beverages, etc. A somewhat unusual book of American recipes and advice from 1890, including "Chocolate - Philadelphia Mode," "How to Restore Flat Wine," "How to Imitate Sherry Wine," "Egg Omelette and Rum," "Omelette - American Mode," "Philadelphia Bread," "Oysters and Chestnuts," "Saratoga Potato Chips," "Green Turtle Soup," "To Preserve Whole or Half Quinces," "American Pork Pudding," "To Truss Teal," "Reed Birds," "To Dress Plovers," etc. Some dishes include cooking time, uncommon for this date. Very good in fine binding. Rare.