
(Jewish) Goldsmith, Mrs. Louis, ed. & Portland Section, Council of Jewish Women. Third Edition of the Neighborhood Cook Book.
$ 33.09
$ 29.40

(Russian - Baking) Kengis, R. P. and P. S. Markhel. Domashnee Prigotovlenie: Tortov, Pirozhnykh, Prianikov, Pirogov.
$ 84.22
$ 69.56

(Connecticut) Ladies of Christ Church. Three Hundred Choice Receipts for the Household.
$ 28.29
$ 24.66

(Beverages) Emerson, Edward R. Beverages, Past and Present: An Historical Sketch of their Production, together with a Study of the Customs Connected with their Use.
$ 21.34
$ 18.96

(Turkish) Rabiha. La Bonne Cuisine Turque, Facile et Economique des Mets las plus Usites et Renommes du Pays.
$ 22.43
$ 19.96

Drink Like a Geek: Cocktails, Brews, and Spirits for the Nerd in All of Us (Jeff Cioletti) *Signed*
$ 72.17
$ 56.39

(Herbs) Anderson, Frederick O. How to Grow Herbs for Gourmet Cooking, including 100 Recipes from 25 Countries.
$ 10.11
$ 9.17

The Female Economist; or, A Plain System of Cookery: for the Use of Families, containing Eight Hundred and Fifty Valuable Receipts (Mrs. Smith)
$ 74.26
$ 66.82