
(Indian) Kenny-Herbert, Robert (Wyvern). Culinary Jottings: A Treatise in Thirty Chapters on Reformed Cookery for Anglo-Indian Exiles, based upon Modern English, and Continental Principles...and an essay on our kitchens in India.
$ 92.83
$ 75.36

Cured Meat, Smoked Fish & Pickled Eggs: Recipes & Techniques for Preserving (Karen Solomon) *Signed*
$ 16.32
$ 13.36

(Beer) Ehret, George. Twenty-five Years of Brewing, with an Illustrated History of American Beer.
$ 52.21
$ 41.54
![(Chinese) Watanna, Onoto [Winnifred Eaton] and Sara Bosse. Chinese-Japanese Cook Book. (Chinese) Watanna, Onoto [Winnifred Eaton] and Sara Bosse. Chinese-Japanese Cook Book.](/uploads/2025-01/4ba4c565d52a42e1a310210bc623e16c.webp)
(Chinese) Watanna, Onoto [Winnifred Eaton] and Sara Bosse. Chinese-Japanese Cook Book.
$ 66.30
$ 58.91

(Cocktails) "Home Brewed" Wines and Beers and Bartenders' Guide: Secrets of the Liquor Trade.
$ 40.10
$ 34.66

Pepper: All Around the World: Stories & Recipes (Erwann de Kerros, Benedicte Bortoli)
$ 55.08
$ 47.56

(Baking) Montickiy, R.I. (Р. И. Монтицкий). Commodity Research on Bakery and Pastry Products ("Товароведение Хлебобулочных и Кондитерских Товаров").
$ 72.94
$ 62.08

(Cleveland) Ladies of the Jennings Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. The Twentieth Century Home and Cook Book: A Collection of Valuable Articles.
$ 34.36
$ 29.93

(Butter & Dairy) Larbaletrier, Alberto. Tratado Practco de la Manipulacion de la Leche: Leche, Crema, Manteca y Quesos.
$ 27.85
$ 23.37

(Wine & Cider) Simon Frères. Catalogue des Appareils pour la Fabrication des Cidres, Poires, Vins, etc.
$ 24.69
$ 21.38

(Wine - Champagne) Chandon de Brialles, M. Raoul. Observations Météorologiques relatives a la Champagne et Renseignements Divers sur la Vigne et le Vin.
$ 32.56
$ 26.42

(Avocados) Parodi, Dr. Ernesto. Una Pianta da Frutto Esotica: L'aguacate. Storia, Descrizione Botanica, Cultura, Malattie, Commercio.
$ 64.53
$ 53.68

(Wine - Italy) Ciuffolini, Prof. A. Relazione Generale sulle Esposizione Riunite del Circolo Enofilo Italiano.
$ 38.53
$ 34.38