
(Liquor) Lacour, Pierre. The Manufacture of Liquors, Wines, and Cordials, without the aid of Distillation. Also the Manufacture of Effervescing Beverages and Syrups, Vinegar, and Bitters. Prepared and arranged expressly for the trade.
$ 49.17
$ 40.83

(Spanish) American Women in Spain. Cocina Hispano-Americana/American-Spanish Cook-Book.
$ 78.29
$ 70.51

(Food History) De Salis, Mrs. Harriet Anne. The Art of Cookery Past and Present: A Treatise on Ancient Cookery, with Anecdotes of Noted Cooks and Gourmets, Ancient Foods, Menus, etc.
$ 89.44
$ 75.77

(Booklet) Howard, Miss Ella C. No-al Cook Book of Choice Original and Selected Practical Receipts.
$ 79.68
$ 64.61

(Sugar) Manbré, Alexandre. Converting Cereal and Vegetable Substances into Saccharine Matter, &c.
$ 8.13
$ 6.49